miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


leap of faith
Take a risk, and put your hearts true desire into action.
Dont worry about making a wrong decision.
Take time to pray, meditate, investigate, research. Make your own decisions.
Once made, the universal energies will immediately support your decision and doors will successively open as if by magic.
Trust that the universe will support you in all ways.
Trust that your intention is clear and right for you.
* Your dream will come true
* Your chosen path is the right one for you

Aine es una diosa celta poderosa y reina de hadas que da a luz a las hadas a causa de sus romances con los mortales. Es venerada en Irlanda por la ayuda que da a la cosecha y por que cuida a los animales. Te protege al tomar riesgos.

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